Dr. Indira V. Samarasekera

Silhouette of a vehicle with two people standing outside, sunset in the background and grey chevron coming in from the left

Chair of the Talent Oversight and Compensation Committee
Member of the Technology Committee


Dr. Samarasekera brings to the Board a proven record of technical expertise, demonstrated leadership, tangible success in building international relationships and a long-standing commitment to R&D/innovation. She was CGCNC Chair from May 2020 to August 2022 and has served as TOCC Chair since August 2022.

Dr. Samarasekera is a corporate director and Senior Advisor at Bennett Jones, LLP. Dr. Samarasekera served as the President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Alberta (2005-2015). She is internationally recognized as a leading metallurgical engineer, including for her work on steel process engineering for which she was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. Among other things, Dr. Samarasekera was previously a member of Canada’s Science, Technology and Innovation Council as well as Canada’s Global Commerce Strategy. She possesses an M.Sc. in mechanical engineering (California), as well as a PhD in metallurgical engineering (British Columbia). Dr. Samarasekera has also been elected as a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Engineering in the U.S. She currently serves on the board of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Dr. Samarasekera was also a committee member of the TMX Group/Institute of Corporate Directors Committee to Chart the Future of Corporate Governance in Canada.